Future’s So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades

My parents once told me that when they were on the way to the hospital to have me, the song The Future’s so Bright by Timbuk 3 came on the radio, like it was some sort of omen. I have to say; it hasn’t always felt like that prophecy held much water.

For some reason, I’m in a good mood at the moment, which is surprising considering I haven’t left the house since June. For some reason, I feel a zest for life and the future that I haven’t felt in… well, years. For the majority of this whole COVID situation, I’ve felt extremely low-energy and sad, so it’s a pleasant reprieve. I don’t know how long this good feeling will last, so I may as well ride the wave while I can.

There have been plenty of times in my life when I have felt stunted or stagnant, unsure of what my next move will be. There have been many times when I have bounced back and forth between dreams and passions, not settling on one for longer than a fleeting moment. But storytelling has always been there. It’s something I’ve loved for as long as I can remember. I don’t know why it took me so long to decide to study English and Creative Writing, and sometimes I wish I’d done it earlier, but I experienced a lot of life during the time I wasn’t studying, so for that I’m thankful. Now, as we wrap up 2021, I also wrap up my Bachelor’s degree at last.

I’m looking forward to taking the next step. I’m planning to apply for a Master of Creative Writing, and I’m motivated to keep seeking new writing opportunities. Do I have a completely clear vision for my future? Not exactly. There’s still a fair amount of uncertainty, but at least I can see something.

I’m about to birth my first book baby, and I’ve got several others gestating. I love writing, and I love the worlds I’ve created. I can’t wait for people to read my books, which is shocking to me, considering there was a time when I swore I would never let anyone read anything I wrote. I have some new goals and dreams for 2022, and every so often--as difficult as things still are--I catch the slightest glimpse of that once-prophesied bright future.